How Many Solar Panels Do You Need? A Realistic Guide

We know that delving into the world of solar energy can be a daunting experience. It can lead to questions like, “How many solar panels do I require?” Rest assured, at Solaris World we are here to provide you with simple guidance throughout the process!

Is Your Home Suitable For Solar Panels?

Make sure to check the conditions on your roof before going ahead with a solar panel installation process. It’s important to ensure that your rooftop meets the requirements for generating sufficient electricity for domestic use or selling it through programs like the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG). To accommodate multiple panels and ensure their long-term durability, your roof should be sturdy and spacious enough.

What Type Of Solar Panels Will You Need?

Solar panels come in three main types: monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin film. The prices of these panels differ depending on their looks, efficiency, materials, and design. Each type has its advantages and disadvantages. Check out a breakdown below!

Panel Type Pro's Con’s
High Efficiency, High Performance
Very Expensive
Less Expensive
Moderate Efficiency
Thin Film
Good For Solar Farms
Low Efficiency

Factors That Determine How Many Panels You Need

There is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to calculating the number of solar panels needed. It depends on multiple factors. The below will run you through all the elements that need to be considered before knowing how many you need.

Electricity Usage –  To determine the number of solar panels your home requires, it is important to understand your household’s energy consumption. Your electricity usage is measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh), and you can easily find this information on your utility bill for each billing cycle.

Solar Panel Size –  The average size of solar panels for homes is usually around 65 by 39 inches, but this can differ depending on the brand. If your roof is compact or has a non-traditional design, the size and number of solar panels you require become significant factors.

Solar Panel Wattage – All solar panels may look similar at first, but they have important distinctions. When selecting the most suitable solar panels, it is crucial to consider their wattage. Wattage refers to the amount of electrical output a panel can generate. Typically, solar panels produce around 400 to 550 watts of power, with 435 watts being a common average. 

Climate Of Your Area –  The weather in your area greatly affects the amount of sunlight and energy that your solar panels generate.

Home Size – The size of your house is important in determining the amount of solar power your panels will need. A 1,500-square-foot home would use around 630 kWh, while a 3,000-square-foot house would consume 1,200 kWh per month, which is twice as much.

It’s important to think about various factors before choosing a solar panel, like the space available on your rooftop, how it looks, its ability to withstand different temperatures, how long the warranty lasts, your budget, and the total cost. 

How Many Solar Panels Does My Home Need In The UK?

Below is a detailed breakdown of how many solar panels an average UK home would need!

Household Size Energy Consumption Solar System Size Solar Panel Number (350W) Solar Panel Number (450W)
1-2 bedroom
6 – 7
5 – 6
2-3 bedrooms
7 – 8
4-5 bedrooms
14 – 15
10 – 12

*These numbers are rough estimates. Your home’s energy needs may vary.*

Wanting An Accurate Quote For Your Home?

Come talk to our expert team about your ideas and our team will happily explain how it would operate with perfect packages to suit your home. If you need to contact us please feel free, we are always happy to help! Get yourself a quote!


If you are wondering how much a solar panel set up would cost you, check out our blog for a complete guide on solar panel costing

An average domestic solar panel size would usually be 1.7 meters long and 1 meter wide having a thickness of 3-5cm and weighing between 18-22kg each!

Running a house solely on solar power is achievable, but it demands a significant investment of both money and time. The more energy you need, the more solar panels you’ll have to install.
Liking the sound of solar, but not sure how they work. Take a look at our blog guide on how solar panels work and whether are they worth it.

Solar panels typically have an average life span ranging from 25 to 30 years.



I'm Oliver, a UK-based blogger who has a passion for sustainable living. I write expert articles on renewable energy and share up-to-date industry knowledge on how best to reduce your carbon footprint. Away from solar technology, I love spending time with my family and playing my favourite sport: snooker.

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