Do You Need Planning Permission For Solar Panels – A Simple Guide

With rising energy prices, more and more people are seeking cost-effective methods to generate power and heat for their homes and businesses. Solar panels remain a favoured choice over conventional energy sources. But what permissions do you need for solar installation is the question on a lot of people’s mind. 

At Solaris World we totally appreciate the whole process of getting solar panels fitted can come across as a bit daunting and leave you concerned about what planning permissions for solar panels you may need. In this blog we will be giving you a simple breakdown of what information you should be aware of when planning for solar panels installation. So without further hesitation let’s get started.

Do You Need Planning Permission For Solar Panels? (UK)

In recent years, solar product installation in homes has become increasingly more easy and convenient to access. Solar panel installation is included in the list of permitted developments for the UK which is essential when considering solar panels on your home.  Luckily in the vast majority of cases, planning permission is not required for the installation of solar panels. Although certain categories of properties are more prone to require planning permission for the installation of solar panels. These include: 
  1. Listed Buildings 
  2. Flats 
  3. Properties situated in Conservation Areas
Planning permission is only necessary for solar panel installations on these types of properties or areas to guarantee that the surrounding area’s appearance and functionality are not affected. To ensure compliance, we recommend consulting your local authority first before self confirming whether planning permission is required for your installation.
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What Steps Should You Take When Requiring Permission For Solar Panels?

Is planning permission required for all solar panel ranges? Don’t worry, we will help you through this with a simple 5 step plan in which you could potentially get solar installation for your home. This can be actually achieved online, in which you provide information to determine whether your home can or can’t have solar panels for your home.

  • Determine If Permission Is Needed – The initial step in the process involves determining if planning permission is necessary for the installation of your solar panels. In most situations, there is no need to acquire planning permission for such installations. Unless it’s either a  listed building, flat or conservation area.
  • Gather Information Requested – In the event that planning permission is necessary, it is key that you collect all essential information in order to finalise your application. This will generally involve providing specifics regarding the proposed installation’s location and dimensions, as well as any potential effects on the neighbouring area.
  • Apply – Once all information has been collected,you will need to submit your application to the local planning authority. This process is usually conducted online and can entail a payment fee.
  • Await Decision – Once your application has been submitted, the local planning authority undertake a thorough review to determine whether or not planning permission will be granted for the installation of your solar panels. It is important to note that this evaluation process may span over several weeks, or in some cases, even months depending on your location.
  • Begin Installation – Once your application has been given the green light, you are free to commence the installation of your solar panels. It is essential that you comply with all the conditions mentioned in the planning permission to prevent any enforcement actions from being initiated.

Hopefully this simple easy to read guide has given you the much needed clarification in your home that you have been wanting. If you feel some questions have not been quite answered and want to have a nice informal chat to one of our team. Request a quote with one of our team and we will happily help you!


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I'm Oliver, a UK-based blogger who has a passion for sustainable living. I write expert articles on renewable energy and share up-to-date industry knowledge on how best to reduce your carbon footprint. Away from solar technology, I love spending time with my family and playing my favourite sport: snooker.

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