How Are Solar Panels Installed? A Complete Breakdown

Have you thought about generating your own energy instead of depending on the national grid? The solar panel installation procedure is a  crucial aspect to consider. However, what is the actual duration for solar panel installers? And how much do they cost? In this blog we will provide you with a simple breakdown of solar installation so that you are well-prepared when moving towards a more sustainable future.

What Is Solar Energy?

Solar panels operate by transforming the sun’s energy into usable power in our homes or businesses. The sun provides the panels with 2 types of energy, electricity and heat. These forms of energy are larger in scale depending on whether you’re a homeowner or business owner. Whether it be a small residential installation or a larger scale business, Solaris World is here to give you the best assistance possible to bring a greener future to your home.

Installation Of Solar Panels - A Simple Guide

A common question on homeowners minds is are solar panels worth installing? And how are solar panels installed? No need to stress, we are here to give you a complete breakdown of time needed on average to install solar energy in your home. So let’s get started!

Step 1 Scaffolding – When installing solar the fitting team will firstly need to set up scaffolding on your home to allow safe movement to the roof. This usually has a fitting process of around 3 hours.

Step 2 Fixing Roof Hooks – Your solar panel installer will need to raise certain roof tiles. This will allow the to secure bracket fittings to the roof to ensure a solid base for the panels to be fitted on. Once fitted the tile will be replaced.

Step 3 Mounting System – After securing the roof anchors, the solar panel mounting system will be connected by the installer. It will run vertically and horizontally on the roof to support the solar panels. The mounting system ensures that the panels remain secure and also assists in positioning them at the best angle on the roof, resulting in increased exposure to sunlight.

Step 4 Solar Panels –  The majority of panels are pre-wired by the manufacturer, so all you have to do is connect them to the inverter. Smaller solar panel systems connect one set of wires to the inverter, while larger systems connect multiple sets of wires. After the process of fitting, a few checks and you should be up and ready to get started.

Step 5 Inverter –After setting up the mounting system, it’s finally time to place the solar panels on the roof.  The installer will first position the solar panels on the mounting system without securing them completely. After adjusting the angle, they will then tighten all the clamps to secure the panels in place.

Approximate Time To Complete 

  • 1 Days For Standard Homes.
  • 7 Days For Larger Scale Projects.

Installation Cost Breakdown For Solar Panels

When it comes to a breakdown of having the panels fitted. At Solaris World we are proud to be backed by our trusted installation and maintenance teams who strive to deliver seamless experiences and optimise energy efficiency to all our valued customers. Below is a labour cost breakdown on the price of having it fitted. 

Labour Costs – £2000- £3000 per day for homes and £750 per KW for commercial

*These numbers are approximately calculated against industry prices*

If this blog has left you with any more questions feel free to send us a message or fill in a quote form and we will happily help!


So how do solar panels work? Have a read through our comprehensive guide to get your knowledge up to date on solar panels! 
Looking into a greener future and wondering about how much solar panels cost? Read our blog for some more information

YES! Solar panels don’t always have to function when the sun is out. Even though maximum efficiency is reached when the sun is shining, electricity is still produced on cloudy days and during winter.

When learning about solar, sometimes it’s not as obvious on how many solar panels you need for your home! Don’t worry, our guided blog has you covered.


I'm Oliver, a UK-based blogger who has a passion for sustainable living. I write expert articles on renewable energy and share up-to-date industry knowledge on how best to reduce your carbon footprint. Away from solar technology, I love spending time with my family and playing my favourite sport: snooker.

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